One Last Dance Gala

Posted by Lokman

When there is a gala to be held, i will surely be there. Most of the time anyway. Being the photographer for MX has its perks . Being up close to stars but me being much of a timid little one will only do whats nessasary. Take photos. I dare not go beyond going up to them to shake thier hands or ask them for an autograph even when they are up to my face. What a waste of opportunity.

Anyway, as part of my resolution this year, i'll try to brave-up and let some fan-boy alter-ego seep through alittle . Wish me luck as tomo, i'll be meeting up with Francis Ng and Ti Lung from The Last Dance.

Anyway, my usual partner -in-crime decided to bail out on this gig and thankfully Stefan agreed to take over as the writer + videographer.

By 820, after all the tv starts strutted by, the big chief and his posse came. Then everything was a robotic sequence. Push, shove *click *snap * flash, shove-shove. I'm telling you, these photographer-newbies are horrible.

A stage was set up for a small talk and to wrap it up, a big photo op with the stars.

I swear, Francis was having a Zoolander moment. I thought it might be just a flash moment but all the photos had him with the same *look.


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